Ⓜ आओ अँग्रेजी सीखें-रेडियो कार्यक्रम Ⓜ

          📖  WE LEARN ENGLISH  📖

                🗓Date :  27/10/2017


        Ⓜ Lesson- 42 ⓂⓂ️PracticeⓂ️


Q. What do you like to do?

A. 1. I like to cook.
     2. I like to play cricket.
     3. I like to sleep.

Ⓜ️एक प्रश्न पूछे दूसरा उत्तर दे-Ⓜ️

Q. What do you like to do?(कोई तीन)

A. 1. I like to dance.
     2. I like to read.
     3. I like to sing.

Q. What do you like to do?(कोई तीन)

A.1. I like to write.
    2. I like to climb a tree.
    3. I like to make a tea.


Patna city has a zoo..........

           E        I        E        I        O ..........

And in the zoo, there are some tigers........

           E        I        E        I        O ..............

The tiger here and tiger there.........

           Here a tiger, there a tiger, everywhere tiger tiger..........

           Patna city has a Zoo..........

    E        I        E        I        O ........


Patna city has a Zoo...........

          E        I        E        I        O ..........

And in the zoo, there are some lions............

          E        I        E        I        O ...........

The lion here and lion there...........

          Here a lion, there a lion, everywhere lion lion...........

          Patna city has a Zoo..........

E        I        E        I        O .........

Ⓜ️Ⓜ️Ⓜ️Ⓜ️Ⓜ️ (Song-3) Ⓜ️Ⓜ️Ⓜ️Ⓜ️Ⓜ️

Patna city has a Zoo......

          E        I        E        I        O .......

And in the zoo, there are some monkeys.......

          E        I        E        I        O ........

The monkey here and monkey there........

          Here a monkey, there a monkey, everywhere monkey monkey.........

          Patna city has a Zoo........

E        I        E        I        O ......


Patna city has a Zoo.......

          E        I        E        I        O .......

And in the zoo, there are some zebras.......

          E        I        E        I        O ........

The zebra here and zebra there.......

          Here a zebra, there a zebra, everywhere zebra zebra.......

Patna city has a Zoo........

          E        I        E        I        O ........


Patna city has a Zoo........

          E        I        E        I        O .........

And in the zoo, there are some tigers..........

          The tiger here and tiger there........

Here a tiger, there a tiger, everywhere tiger tiger.........

          The lion here and lion there.........

Here a lion, there a lion, everywhere lion lion........

          The monkey here and monkey there...........

Here a monkey, there a monkey, everywhere monkey monkey...........

          The zebra here and zebra there..........

Here a zebra, there a zebra, everywhere zebra zebra...........

          Patna city has a Zoo...........

E        I        E        I        O ..........