Ⓜआओ अँग्रेजी सीखें - रेडियो कार्यक्रमⓂ


🗓Date :  06/12/2017

Ⓜ Lesson- 58 Ⓜ

🎵 Zoo song 🎶

Patna city has a zoo.

       E        I        E        I        O .

And in the zoo, there are some tigers.

       E        I        E        I        O .

The tiger here and tiger there.

        Here a tiger, there a tiger, everywhere tiger tiger.

         Patna city has a Zoo.

E        I        E        I        O .

Patna city has a Zoo.

       E        I        E        I        O .

And in the zoo, there are some lions.

       E        I        E        I        O .

The lion here and lion there.

        Here a lion, there a lion, everywhere lion lion.

        Patna city has a Zoo.

E        I        E        I        O .

Patna city has a Zoo.

       E        I        E        I        O .

And in the zoo, there are some monkeys.

        E        I        E        I        O .

The monkey here and monkey there.

        Here a monkey, there a monkey, everywhere monkey monkey.

         Patna city has a Zoo.

E        I        E        I        O .

Patna city has a Zoo.

       E        I        E        I        O .

And in the zoo, there are some zebras.

        E        I        E        I        O .

The zebra here and zebra there.

         Here a zebra, there a zebra, everywhere zebra zebra.

        Patna city has a Zoo.

E        I        E        I        O .

Patna city has a Zoo.

        E        I        E        I        O .

And in the zoo, there are some tigers.

        The tiger here and tiger there.

Here a tiger, there a tiger, everywhere tiger tiger.

        The lion here and lion there.

Here a lion, there a lion, everywhere lion lion.

        The monkey here and monkey there.

Here a monkey, there a monkey, everywhere monkey monkey.

          The zebra here and zebra there.

Here a zebra, there a zebra, everywhere zebra zebra.

           Patna city has a Zoo.

E        I        E        I        O .

       With question - What do you like to do?


🎵🎶 Jalebi song🎶🎵

Five Jalebies in the Halvai shop.

         Big and round with sugar on top.

A long came Asha with some money one day.

         Put Jalebi and took it on way.

Four Jalebies in the Halvai shop.

         Big and round with sugar on top.

A long came Beenu with some money one day.

          Put Jalebi and took it on way.

Three Jalebies in the Halvai shop.

          Big and round with sugar on top.

A long came Raziya with some money one day.

           Put Jalebi and took it on way.

Two Jalebies in the Halvai shop.

           Big and round with sugar on top.

A long came Ranjana with some money one day.

           Put Jalebi and took it on way.

One Jalebi in the Halvai shop.

            Big and round with sugar on top.

A long came Santosh with some money one day.

          Put Jalebi and took it on way.